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2024-05-06 05:03:56 [娱乐] 来源:日月合璧网


In recent years98自轻自贱 the usage of internet slang has become increasingly popular. One of the more recent trends in online communication is the use of a code, "398". While it remains unclear as to how it originated, it has become a regular term used in online chat forums and social media platforms, particularly in China. The term is significant, not just because of its popularity, but also because it has a hidden meaning. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the 398 internet slang and try to understand its significance.


The Meaning of "398"

"398" is a code used in Chinese internet slang, It is derived from a homophone - "san jiu ba" - which sounds like the Chinese phrase for "forget it" or "let it go". The number 398 thus represents the concept of letting go of something. It has become a way of asking someone to give up on a particular matter or forget about something and move on.

The Various Uses of "398"

The use of 398 has become increasingly prevalent and has a variety of applications. One use is when someone is persistently asking for something that is impossible to acquire or only of little importance, it can be used to indicate a signal to stop or give up the request. Another use is when someone is stuck in an argument and there is no feasible way out, they can use 398 to suggest closing the subject. Additionally, it can be applied when someone has made a pointless comment, someone sends an irritating message, or when discussing a topic that can't be resolved. 398 is an effective way of saying "let it go" without directly asking someone to do so.

398 in Pop Culture and Advertisements

As internet slang ingrains itself in society, it's inevitable that it will find its way into everyday life, even pop culture. For instance, in TV shows and movies, 398 is being used as a secret code between actors. Pop stars have even begun integrating the code into their music. Additionally, 398 has found its way into the advertising industry, where companies take advantage of the code to create campaigns and marketing strategies. One notable example is a juice brand that advertised a flavour called "398" to suggest an urge to let go of sour feelings, in their words, "letting go of the sourness and turning sweet again".


In summary, 398 has become prevalent in online communication in China, and like other internet slang, its usage has extended to various aspects of daily life, including movies, music and advertising. With the emphasis on online communication, the emergence of new internet codes has become more frequent. The beauty of 398 is that it's simple, yet powerful, in its message - it's a gentle, subtle way of suggesting that it's time to move on from something. As technology progresses, we can expect to see more codes like 398 emerge, but for now, it remains a standout symbol of internet slang that has made its mark on pop culture and society.


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